I've decided to put all my thinking here.
School remembrances of: Gene Lantz, Headmaster: gene1 gene2 gene3 gene4 gene5 gene6 gene7 gene8 gene9 gene10 gene11 gene12 gene13 gene14
Corporatepeople https://youtu.be/2mBK-ybh984; Don't you trickle down on me https://youtu.be/qCbXw-uOzco; Gosh Darn You Wealthy Gentlemen https://youtu.be/Z3c1raDWRHU; houserules https://youtu.be/5Ek684R7DXg; iraqsong https://youtu.be/CGLXaK2OT9k; Macular degeneration https://youtu.be/ZCby_AuAaVk (I can't find it, so we may have lost forever my song on eye treatment: "Walk right in, sit right down, let us stick stuff in your eyes"; oldestpersonintheroom https://youtu.be/VSisngP60cM; one day longer https://youtu.be/mdXuq1Z7sNQ; psychopath in congress https://youtu.be/UMVutUp2sYs; right some wrongs https://youtu.be/I05Mf-eiIFM; Sam Johnson Hang Down Your Head https://youtu.be/ILc5cg2baqg; She Wanted a Waltz https://youtu.be/IwcHOIKo1cI, So Long, Donald, It's Been Good to Know You (2017 version) https://youtu.be/_MVyGYFCgz4 Social Security Song https://youtu.be/jViFI58WqRQ; taraanthem0715 https://youtu.be/RC1pgCfNqNw; "Too old to work but not Too old to fight" https://youtu.be/ELnionFN5Uc; walking in your weiner underpants https://youtu.be/5VkiI-YYcEA; Workers Memorial Day https://youtu.be/UN9WKG_CIX0; workingatwalmart-song https://youtu.be/SEPpfWf9tYM; You're beginning to look a lot like Hitler https://youtu.be/nwcA-VZdgLY
I sang a few songs I didn't write such as "The International" and "Solidarity Forever." Videos I made, many of them history lessons by now, are on my YouTube channel "genelantz." Some are on "genelantzalot" channel.
Have you ever wanted a quick course on Marxism just to find out what the heck it is? These little 5-minute modules explain from A to Z
What Am I Doing Lately? See www.tx.aflcio.org/dallasclc See www.labordallas.org www.texasretiredamericans.org www.genelantz.org
What do I look like, digging through all these old files and photos?