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We Always Had Music

I would really like to claim that Lille Skole excelled in some aspect of academics. But we didn't. Not even in art, as far as I knew. Most art is individualistic, and Lille Skole kids were 100% dedicated to socializing with each other and everybody else who came around.

We went all over Houston. We discovered uninhabited jungles right in the middle of the city, and we picnicked there. We were at the library and the museum constantly, and we hardly ever missed a free public event.

We spread out over Texas with camping trips. Parents and volunteers came along. The Lille Skole children were practically a unit, and they wanted little to do with the adults. The adults, not as socially at ease as the children, spent the time getting to know one another.

Of course, we did a lot of singing.

Not all of our expeditions went well. Once a whole gang of children were busted, along with me, for distributing the Mockingbird underground newspaper on campus. Unfortunately, it had a nude in that particular issue. Photographers couldn't resist little Bo Kershaw, one of the sweetest and prettiest children who ever lived. We appealed to the Student Government and received an apology.

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