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CWA 6215 is Not Kidding Around

CWA Activist Bonnie Mathias leafleted the crowd

After years of frustration with anti-worker corporations and government officials, American working people are getting excited about standing up for ourselves! CWA Local 6215 in Dallas is a good example. They began bargaining with AT&T's Internet Services January 30, 2008. But, with no settlement in sight, they took their case to the public on February 24.

Union members inflated a giant, inflated, vicious, red-eyed rat on the street outside AT&T Plaza in downtown Dallas just as the streets filled at lunchtime. Activists leafleted the laughing crowds. Bright yellow fliers read, "AT&T Internet Services. The unresolved issues still remaining: Wages, shift differentials, core moves, work of the future, and, most importantly, HEALTH CARE! Today, AT&T Internet needs your help with their cheesy health care plan. Contact Corey Anthony, VP Labor Relations, e-mail address: [email protected] or telephone 925-823-5525, and let the rat know! AT&T Internet Employees deserve a decent health care plan. CWA Local 6215. Please use your own time and equipment for mobilization activity."

Passersby, many of them AT&T employees, stopped to chat with the CWA members. They took the time to read the signs hanging around the 15-foot rat's neck. The sign in front read, "The Devil went down to Georgia... Because V.P. AT&T Labor Relations internet Corey Anthony is filling in for him in Dallas!" In back was, "Corey Anthony's favorite exercise is stepping on working people!!" AT&T management may be hearing about this incident for some time, because a number of citizens took photos of the rat with their cell phones!

Jobs with Justice is delighted to assist with the incredible upsurge in optimism and worker activity now taking place. We are eager to help connect local activists with one another, and with the larger workers' movement through national JwJ. Our national conference takes place May 2-4 in Rhode Island, and we are working on getting a large delegation there for training and networking. Our main fund raising event is a breakfast honoring State Representative Roberto Alonzo at Morelia's Restaurant, 2707 W Jefferson in Dallas, at 8 AM on Saturday, March 8. Tickets are $10. Contact us at or call 214-942-4236.

CWA leaders JD Williams and TC Gillespie are committed to strong unions. Both of them have bought tickets to the Jobs with Justice breakfast on March 8.

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