Your Help Needed to Launch Fight for Economic Justice for Workers

Tired of seeing headlines proclaiming that the recession is over but...

There won't be any jobs?

National Jobs with Justice is calling for a week of fightback September 24-October 1. Our North Texas group has come up with the best possible way to launch this ongoing fight, but we need help in motivating people to realize that an economic "recovery" isn't worth a dime until it helps the millions of unemployed and underemployed workers!

Texas AFL-CIO President Becky Moeller has agreed to speak at a Town Hall meeting on the topic of employees’ economic fightback. We scheduled 4:30 PM Friday, September 25, at UAW 848 hall, 2218 E Main in Grand Prairie. How can we build the biggest possible audience?

Besides Becky's great popularity, we have several things going for us:

At the JwJ meeting 9/9/9, we projected using the title “Where’s Our Bailout?” and working the theme further to include “Where’s our economic recovery?” “Where’s our health care?” and “Where’s Our Jobs?” We are thinking about including a major religious speaker to talk about the morality of a jobless recovery. We think that assembling the people who are fighting to organize under present labor law could be a good draw. One of the guys trying to organize a union who came with us to Labor Day Breakfast was fired two days later. The Wal-Mart workers on the internal organizing committee in South Oak Cliff are really inspirational, and I know there are more workers on the front lines who would come!

Could you copy the leaflet and help distribute this important information? Which locals have hot organizing drives going? What kind of a “follow up” public activity, such as picketing Bank of America, would help with this economic fightback idea?

What do you think?

In solidarity, Gene
[email protected]