Workers Rights Board and Economic Fightback Bookcase September Activities

Leading members of our North Dallas community will meet as the Workers Rights Board at 10 AM on September 5 at the Beckley Courthouse, 410 S. Beckley Ave., Dallas, TX, in the courtroom of the Honorable Judge Luis Sepulveda. On September 25, North Texas Jobs with Justice and Texas AFL-CIO President Becky Moeller will join the national push for economic justice with our Town Hall meeting at 4 PM at UAW 848 hall, 2218 E. Main in Grand Prairie.

There will be a lot of activities in between as the fight for worker justice continues to heat up daily. Among them:

Press ReleaseWorkers Rights Board logo
Contact: Dr. Joerg Rieger, Co-convener of the Workers’ Rights Board, Wendland-Cook Professor of Constructive Theology, Perkins School of Theology, Southern Methodist University
Phone: 214-768-2356
E-mail: [email protected]

Dr Joerg Rieger

Event:Construction Workers in Dallas without Water and Safety Equipment: Workers’ Rights Board Investigates Labor  Rights Violations on Labor Day Weekend

Time: Saturday, September 5, 2009, from 10 a.m.-noon.

At this event, the Workers’ Rights Board will hear cases of construction workers in the Dallas area. Common problems on many building sites include insufficient drinking water in the summer heat, lack of safety equipment, and a pervasive lack of fair treatment of workers. Presentations will include both affected workers as well as the findings of broad-based research that has been conducted on the treatment of construction workers in the Dallas area, which raises severe concerns for our communities.

While worker rights abuses in construction are not uncommon, the current economic crisis and the special challenges of labor in Texas have exacerbated this problem. The public and the media are invited to witness this hearing, as the members of the Workers’ Rights Board are investigating the current abuses and make decisions about how to respond to the crisis, which has the potential to give the city of Dallas and its inhabitants a bad name.



Week of Action to Demand a Real Economic Recovery for Working People
September 24-October 1, 2009

ONE YEAR AGO Congress & the Federal Reserve bailed-out Wall Street and the insurers, claiming they were "too big to fail." ONE YEAR LATER...

  • Workers are losing their jobs, homes, healthcare, & retirement security
  • The Bailed-Out Banks continue to award executive bonuses while refusing to finance jobs and evicting renters and homeowners through foreclosures
  • Corporations still “own” Congress & are continuing with “business as usual” by blocking measures like health care reform and the Employee Free Choice Act
  • The G-20, an international group of powerful bankers and governments, is meeting in Pittsburgh (9/24) to push for more of the same failed policies that created the economic crisis.


Jobs & the Unemployment Crisis:

  • Stop layoffs and develop a “jobs creation program” to create millions of good jobs in our communities
  • Pass the Employee Free Choice and other measures to ensure worker dignity
  • Prioritize the unemployment crisis, extending and expanding benefits, including access to health care


  • Keep people in their homes; stop the foreclosures & evictions
  • Fund affordable housing and community reinvestment

Health Care:

  • Enact quality, public, affordable health care for all

A New Economy that Works for Everyone:

  • Protect retirement security and pensions
  • Fix our broken trade and immigration laws
  • Support education and human needs
  • Make corporations and the wealth pay a fair share of taxes.
  • Break up the corporate giants & create a financial system that works for all

Join our growing coalition of workers, students & youth, people of faith, and community members. On the anniversary of the bailouts, some will send members to Pittsburgh for the G-20 meetings while others will take on banks and other corporate criminals in our own communities who have continued to make money while the rest of us suffer. 

We need to join together and build power and momentum through bold action in order to transform our economy into something that works for all of us.

Learn more now.

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