Verizon Strike Halted, Support Actions Continue

Even though the Verizon strike was called off on August 19, national Jobs with Justice says we should continue the "Adopt a Store" program. On a conference call August 23, Organizer Treston Faulkner said, "The best thing we can do is go to Verizon stores on Wednesdays and Saturdays 12-2 or 5-7 for informational leafletting."

Organizer Mary H is coordinating students: [email protected]

Materials for leafleting are on It has links for everything

From the union's viewpoint, the strike was big success. The strategy of the strike was to get management serious about bargaining, and it succeeded. CWA organizer Yvette told the conference call participants,
Be careful to be polite to Verizon customers, they are not our enemies

Do not abuse customers in any way, but keep up the pressure on Verizon management.

Below is the announcement from August 19:

CHEERS to the nationwide effort that succeeded in getting Verizon management back to the negotiating table. The strike is off for now. The Communications Workers of America writes, "Thanks to our unity and public support for bargaining rights, striking Verizon workers will return to work on Tuesday (August 23) with the contract back in force and bargaining restructured. There will be a member update call on Sunday at 11 am EDT. Visit for information on how to connect to the call. With your support, we return to bargain the major issues we face."

Communications Workers of America President Larry Cohen had addressed the Jobs with Justice national conference on the eve of the strike. He laid out the problems and called for broad support. National Jobs with Justice recommended that all chapters adopt a Verizon retail outlet and carry out solidarity actions at least weekly..The national response was amazing. In Dallas, activists carried out two actions at a store in Irving. Solidarity was spreading and was a big topic at the Central Labor Council meeting on Thursday, but the strike was called off on the following day.


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