Join Us in Verizon Strike Support!

Our contact in CWA Local 6171 says he will let us know each Saturday about the strike support strategy so I can post it. Plan to join us at some Verizon facility every Wednesday.

On August 17, at 5:30 PM a bunch of union activists visited the Verizon outlet at 2420 N Beltline Rd. It was across the street from Irving Mall. The group delivered a packet of information to the manager, but she cut the conversation short, threatened to call the police, and ran behind a door when my camera came out. The group had a good laugh, then went outside to plan further Wednesday activities. Some of them are planing to "adopt" a Verizon store close to their homes, but others, including Jobs with Justice, will stay with the main group under the direction of the strikers.

verizon strike protest

You can sign the Verizon petition and get updates at http://
The Dallas AFL-CIO is still registering guests for the Labor Day picnic at 9:00 AM on Sept 5 in the Infomart. Sign up here. If you can't afford the $25, contact me because I'm raising funds for this important cause.

Cuban Art Show August 27

Ernest McMillan says that the Cuban Five exhibit, “From My Altitude: The Art and Poetry of Antonio Guerrero,” will be proudly displayed during a very limited engagement, Saturday, August 27 through Sunday, September 1, 2011.  These amazing inspirational works, created in prison by the internationally recognized Cuban hero, will be unveiled in Dallas with a community reception on Saturday, 8/27 from 3 PM to 6 PM.  For more information on how you can participate in maximizing this amazing gift to the community, please email Akwete at [email protected] or call 214-943-8262.


Keep Me on KNON

Since 2002, I have had one of the very few radio shows that support unions. KNON lets me say what needs to be said about worker justice, but I have to raise $1,000 for KNON (89.3 FM) so I can stay on the air at 7 AM every Monday. If you can afford it, please send checks to Box 710909, Dallas TX 75371. Mark them "Workers Beat." They also have on-line donation.

It's still necessary to mark donations "Workers Beat." Fund drives are quarterly.

- Gene

Gobblelization doesn't provide jobs in the U.S.

Bob Cash of the Texas Fair Trade Coalition, Texas AFL-CIO and I want you to join in the fight against gobblelization::
The Texas Fair Trade Coalition sends information that every Congressional Representative in North Texas has either stated that they are going to vote for the three NAFTA-style free trade agreements pending before Congress or are undecided. Please call and email your Congresswoman or man and tell them to vote NO on these job killing trade deals. --Bob Cash


Ask your representative to vote “NO” on Free Trade Agreements that sell working families short.

Congress will soon take up trade agreements with Korea, Colombia and Panama.

These deals are the opposite of what Congress should be doing: creating jobs. Instead, they will continue a pattern in which promised claims of trade benefits fall short and U.S. jobs flow overseas.

The Economic Policy Institute calculates that the proposed Korea deal will displace a net total of 159,000 American jobs, mainly in manufacturing.

The proposed Colombia deal does little to improve an atmosphere that is the most dangerous in the world for trade unionists. In 2010, 51 union activists were assassinated in Colombia, an increase over 2009. So far in 2011, 17 have been killed.

The proposed Panama agreement rewards a “tax haven,” known for attracting money launderers and tax dodgers, and a recent “Tax Information Exchange Treaty” does little to get at the core of the problem.

Say “NO” now by clicking on this link:

You can use the link to send an electronic message. Then call the Representative's phone number that appears after you enter your zip code and politely emphasize the point.

In short, working families are about to be taken for the same ride that took place when Congress passed NAFTA and helped turn the World Trade Organization into a super-government that can override federal, state and local laws that multi-national corporations do not like.

Insist on trade treaties that take workers and the environment into account. Use this link -- Call the numbers you are given and ask your representative and senators to vote “NO” on the pending “free trade” deals.

Thank you.