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Take Action on Social Security!Headed straight at us, like a train off its track, is the Bush Administration's plan to privatize and undermine Social Security. Texans are fighting back! Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson will be the speaker at 2 PM Friday, March 4, at 1408 North Washington in East Dallas. Everybody is invited to learn about the issue and to make plans. The host organization is the Retiree Club of the Communications Workers of America. Building a good attendance at this meeting is in everybody's interest. It will be discussed on KNON's "Workers Beat" program each Wednesday at 8 AM. Tune to 89.3FM or listen on The AFL-CIO Central Labor Council on February 17 will also have an opportunity to plan for the meeting. More than half a million Americans have signed the on-line petition at Paper copies of it are making their way through meetings of unions and other progressive organizations. For a printable copy, contact this webmaster. The AFL-CIO is sending out millions of e-messages such as the one reprinted on this site. The Bush Administration and cooperating spokespersons are blasting out the message that Social Security is in an immediate crisis and must be privatized. Neither is true. Even when the fund begins to run low, projected to be in 2042, there would be many good options besides privatizing, cutting benefits, or raising the retirement age. |