Pete Sessions Wants Your Children

It is not widely known that I live in the lower part of Highland Park, the hideaway "city-within-a-city" where the rich people live and enjoy all the amenities of Dallas life without helping pay for them. My part, just a tiny curly tail of the Highland Park Congressional District, is called "Oak Cliff." I have the same Congressman as George and Laura Bush, Pete Sessions. Sessions is in charge of electing more Republicans like him into the House of Representatives this Fall.

His forward-thinking agenda is best described in his recent statement on TV: ..."We need to go back to the exact same agenda that is empowering the free enterprise system rather than diminishing it," said Pete Sessions on "Meet the Press". It's "back to the Bush future!" as AFL-CIO communicator Ed Sills puts it.

For unknown reasons, Pete Sessions sends me his newsletter from time to time. In it, he explains how he is trying to get more American jobs by voting against every jobs bill that comes before him. He explains how he is trying to help the ordinary people by giving everything possible to insurance companies and other fat cats.

In his most recent newsletter, Sessions tells about a program he sponsors to get high school students to Washington DC during the months of June and July. He says, "Students at the high school level participate in my program and are given the unique opportunity for a comprehensive experience of our nation’s capital." In last year's session, students also also had the opportunity to interact with other luminaries, including Congressman Joe Barton, Congressman David Dreier, Congressman John Carter, Congressman Kevin Brady, Congressman Louie Gohmert, and Congressman Mike Conaway. I'm not sure if all of them are in the Tea Party caucus with Sessiions, but some of them are.

His invitation reads, "Students who are interested in participating in the Pete Sessions Leadership and Growth Program next summer may contact the Program Manager, Torrie Miller, in my Washington, DC office at 202.225.2231 or email [email protected]."

Not a bad idea

There's a picture of last year's bunch, an they're all white kids. It occurs to me that some youngsters from the Oak Cliff part of Highland Park ought to apply. Thanks to Mr Sessions and his friends, none of our young people are too busy, because they can't find jobs.
