Get on the Bus to Austin!

What could be more important this Saturday, November 14, than the rally at the state capitol?

Press conference and bus loading

In response to the record unemployment, North Texas Jobs with Justice is putting a special emphasis on getting jobless people to the statewide rally for health care reform 1-3 PM on Saturday, November 14 at the Capitol. As we register bus passengers who support the jobs fight, we will also be asking for contributions to cover the $22/seat cost for the underemployed.

Why the underemployed?

North Texas Jobs with Justice and MoveOn are working on filling and paying for our first bus. Reserve your bus seat now!

Send your check to North Texas Jobs with Justice, Box 225822, Dallas TX 75222 or click here for paypal to pay for seats.

The other North Texas buses going Nov 14 will mostly have union members and retirees. Dallas union members are registering with UAW 848. Tarrant County unionists and other health care reform supporters register with the Tarrant County AFL-CIO.

For information: Gene Lantz, organizer, 214-942-4236 [email protected] J. Ban, organizer for MoveOn, [email protected]

bus for health care reform


Click for Texas AFL-CIO announcement of the November 14 rally for health care reform



from afl-cio blog:

Nov. 6, 2009

Unemployment worsened to 10.2 percent in October, up from September’s 9.8 percent. Officially that’s 15.7 million jobless workers. But combined with the underemployed, that’s more than 27 million, and there now are more than six workers for every available job.

Join or donate to North Texas Jobs with Justice