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Attend the National Jobs with Justice Conference

National Jobs with Justice is now accepting scholarship requests and workshop proposals for the 2008 Jobs with Justice National Conference to take place in Providence, RI May 2-4. We will work hard to balance the needs of the 40+ JwJ coalitions with the limited scholarship resources and workshop slots available.

Please return your scholarship requests & workshop proposals by February 22nd. The scholarship request form, workshop proposal form, and recruitment tips for the conference are available from [email protected]. Undoubtedly, the information will soon be posted on

North Texas Jobs with Justice always sends delegations to the national conference. We raise money to help people who could not otherwise afford it. Here is how it usually works: People who want to go submit their applications along with an estimate of how much they could pay toward their overall expenses. We pick everybody who can pay all of their own expenses, then work our way down the list in such a way as to send the largest possible delegation. We want all these national and international leaders and activists to know everything we can show them about Texas.

Everybody who ever went to a national JwJ conference has reported that it was great fun!


FEBRUARY 22 Deadline for scholarship requests AND workshop proposals

MARCH 1 Scholarships allocated & workshop proposals reviewed

MARCH 21 Deadline for Advance Registration Rates

MARCH 24 Deadline for workshop, plenary presenters to confirm

APRIL 1 deadline to reserve hotel rooms at reduced rate

National information available from Allison Fletcher Acosta, Jobs with Justice Communications & Technology Coordinator
tel: (202) 393-1044 x224 fax: (202) 393-7408

To volunteer for the Texas delegation, contact me.


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