From Getting Cans to Getting Canned -- a Lot Happening

Jobs with Justice meets 7 PM Wednesday, May 13, at 547 E Jefferson in Dallas. Parking and entrance in rear. We'll have a lot to talk about. We've done very well on bringing the Employee Free Choice Act beyond its union supporters, but there's sooo much more to do! For example, we're hitting record unemployment levels and the guv still won't take the federal stimulus money for unemployment!

Tomorrow, Saturday May 9, is the National Letter Carrier's annual canned food drive. Everybody is asked to put a sackful of cans with their mail. The need is greater than it's been in our lifetimes.

But what if you just want to write a check?

I called Drew Von Bergen at, and he told me to advise people to write their checks to the local food bank, put it in an envelope marked "food contribution" and put it with the mail. For North Texans, make checks to "North Texas Food Bank." They have a very busy little web page at They accept donations on-line and at 4500 S. Cockrell Hill Rd, Dallas TX 75236. Donate by phone at 214.330.1396. All Dallas labor completely supports them.

Thursday, May 14, the national bus tour sponsored by comes to Arlington. They haven't nailed down the exact place yet. Call Steven Capozzola 202-393-3430 x5, email [email protected] or watch this web site. The Steelworkers are part of the coalition.

May is older Americans month. Retirees need to organize to stop the many benefit cuts. See and