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Stop Sweatshops in Dallas

Dear Friends,
As you know, millions of people around the world work in garment sweatshops, struggling with extremely low pay, unsafe working conditions, and degrading treatment. 85% of these workers are young women ages 15 to 25. Many of these workers are fighting to improve conditions in their factories, but face sustained oppression and denial of their rights.

There is something we can do to help.

Join us on Thursday, May 29th as we invite concerned people and organizations from across Dallas to join together and begin a campaign to get the city of Dallas to pass an anti-sweatshop ordinance. This ordinance would require the city to make sure that the uniforms and other garments that the city buys are not being made in sweatshops. To learn more about the ordinance, or the other cities and states that have passed one, please visit or contact me at 469-835-6211. This initial campaign meeting will take place Thursday, May 29th at 7pm at the Trinity Presbyterian Church (901 N. Zang Blvd) and is being convened by the Texas Fair Trade Coalition ( Please RSVP to [email protected].

Marc Jacobson
Texas Fair Trade Coalition

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