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Lucent Emergency Averted

Stand down, everybody, we're not hitting the sidewalks with Lucent workers!

Communications Workers of America (CWA) members at Lucent Technology have reached a tentative agreement, according to CWA Retiree Club President Larry Laznowsky in an interview on the "Workers Beat" program on KNON radio, 89.3 FM, 8-9 AM November 10. Laznowsky said that the agreement would force some retirees to pay on their health care benefit, but that the amounts would not be nearly as disastrous as management had demanded in October. It may be some time before active Lucent employees are able to ratify or turn down the proposal.

Laznowsky said that management had demanded incredibly high payments for retiree health care. The amounts were up to $700/month, while the average pension of the retirees was only $900. Retirees joined active workers in Dallas and other cities in public protests of management's demands.

The "Workers' Beat" program appears on KNON from 8:05 to 9 AM each Wednesday. For more on CWA retiree actions, click here

On September 22, "Workers' Beat" got a wonderful endorsement from a Democratic Party activist. Members of their listserv received this comment about the "Workers' Beat" program:

Sep 22 04: [email protected]: [DallasDemocrats]

KNON - 89.3

With all the talk about the media and what a worthless pile of garbage it is, I thought I'd add my two cents.

After getting sick to death of NPR's conservative slant lately, I started looking around for something not so nauseating to listen to on the way to work. I've always known that KNON had a great variety of music shows, but only recently discovered that their morning news show is FANTASTIC!

I urge you all to listen, and donate if you can. Today's subjects were CAFTA and there was also lots of talk about unions and Wal Mart. Great guest, and although I knew about most of the topics they covered, it was still a very refreshing change from hearing NPR's whores shill for the GHP.

KNON's "Worker's Beat" program is only one of many community service programs offered 24/7. They are currently conducting their fund drive and need help. Tune in to 89.3 FM or listen on