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Let's Get Going on Responsible Trade

Join Wake-up Wal-mart

Join the Wake-Up Wal-Mart Coalition for a rally on Wednesday, October 31st at the I-30/Samuells Blvd. Wal-Mart in Dallas (75228) located at Samuel Blvd. & St. Francis Avenue (exit Buckner 53A from the west; or St. Francis exit 52B from the east.) Come in Costume, bring the kids, treats for them!
Contact Steve Boscardin, UFCW Local 1000 for additional info at 817-421-1003

Stop Gobblelization!

The "Free Trade Agreement" with Peru sneaks into Congress right away under "fast track" rules. If it succeeds, expect three more right away: Panama, Colombia, and South Korea. This is the transnational corporations' big chance to outsource our jobs, ruin the economies in other countries, and force even more people to emigrate from their homes.

Check out and come to the Wake-Up Wal-Mart event for more info. Here is what National JwJ sent:


Peru, Colombia, Panama, & South Korea "free" trade agreements are being pushed hard by the Bush Administration.

Peru is first: It is out of committee and on the House floor. It is anticipated that it will come to a vote on November 5, 2007. The Peru FTA is bad enough on its own, but if it passes with a big margin, then it will be easier to get the remaining three FTAs passed.

Who is against the Peru FTA?

" Four million Peruvian farmers and workers went on a two-day general strike this summer to protest their President's betrayal of his campaign promise to oppose this agreement!

" In addition, the two largest labor union federations in Peru have written letters to U.S. legislators urging a "No" vote on the trade pact:

" Afro-Peruvian and Afro-Colombian organizations sent a comprehensive letter to the US Congress with similar concerns:

" Many U.S. national and local unions have also taken a stand against the Peru FTA. Some examples include letters to legislators from the Change to Win federation ( and the International Association of Machinists (

" The Interfaith Working Group on Trade and Investment, representing the major ecumenical denominations, has issued a strong position against the FTA.

" The National Latino Congreso - a gathering of 10 major Latino civil rights and advocacy organizations - passed a unanimous resolution in opposition to the Peru FTA. (

" Major environmental groups working to protect the Peruvian Amazon, including AmazonWatch, Rainforest Action Network and Greenpeace have urged the U.S. Congress to vote NO (

" Democratic voters and now many Republican voters agree that these trade agreements are bad for us.


Local actions will be held in cities and towns across the US.

1. Call the DC office of your Member of Congress. Ask to speak to the Legislative Aide who deals with trade issues. If you get voicemail, leave a message and ask for a call back. Talking points and more information provided at these links: Points.pdf

It is especially important to contact the Members of Congress in your state who have not yet decided how they will vote on the Peru FTA. To get a list for your state/area, please contact David Edeli of Public Citizen/Global Trade Watch at: [email protected]. If you get an answer from your Member of Congress on how they will vote (e.g. "leaning yes"; "leaning no") please let David know as well so he can keep the list updated.

2. Collect postcards opposing the FTA and deliver them to district Congressional offices; You can see a sample postcard at this link: Postcard.pdf (Please note: Postal Mail sent to US Capital offices is too delayed to be useful for this upcoming week of action.)

3. Pass resolutions opposing the Peru FTA and encourage other groups in your area-- such as local labor unions, Democratic Clubs, Community organizations-- to pass similar resolutions. Deliver the resolutions to your Member of Congress' district office (or email/fax them to the DC office). You can see a sample resolution at this link: Resolution.pdf

4. Host press conferences, street theater or rallies in front of Congressional district offices. Hold large signs reading, "Honk if you hate sweatshops," or "Honk if you love fair wages" outside legislators' offices; hand out flyers. You can see a sample flyer at this link:

5. Write Letters to the Editor in your local papers opposing the Peru FTA. A guide to writing Letters to the Editor at this link: Letter to the Editor Guide.pdf

6. Conduct delegations to your legislator's offices. (see item #1 above). If you have a particularly entrenched Member of Congress, you might consider a civil disobedience action in that legislator's office. You can read a description of how to plan such an action at this link here: a delegation.pdf

Will your group pledge to participate in this call to action to STOP the Peru FTA?

Will your group pledge to work to stop the other 3 pending FTA's (Panama, Colombia and S. Korea)?

To add your organization's name to the list of endorsers below, please send an email to: Tom Loudon at [email protected]

This Call to Action has been endorsed by the following organizations:

Alliance for Responsible Trade
Campaign for Labor Rights
Grassroots Global Justice (see GGJ statement on trade at:
Jobs with Justice (Portland, OR)
NYC People's Referendum on Free Trade
Portland Central America Solidarity Committee
Progressive Democrats of America
Student Trade Justice Campaign
United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers of America (UE)

Good News
We are now an official chapter of the National Jobs with Justice. Next Second Wednesday meeting, 7 PM November 14 at 547 E Jefferson.
In solidarity

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