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JwJ Plans Health Care Activities

North Texas Jobs with Justice held its regular 2nd Wednesday meeting on August 8 at Oak Cliff Methodist Church. All of us got ample time to talk about the many things activists are doing. Health care was the foremost topic.

Katie Glantz ( and her parents reported on the successful rally they organized August 5th.We talked about other background developments and some of the things coming up. We agreed that we would continue working with the National Nurses Organizing Committee. They are organizing a panel hearing, much like our own Workers Rights Board format, in Mesquite for August 15:

The Hearing will convene at 10 am on Aug. 15th 2007 at 1527 North Galloway Drive at the Mesquite Fine Arts Center. The Panel will
take testimony from 10am-1pm at the latest and the will deliberate for until around 2 pm and render an opinion. During panel deliberations, Registered
Nurses and NNOC Representatives will take questions and comments in a town-hall style public forum. Everyone is invited.

The Texas AFL-CIO endorsed House Resolution 676 for national health care. We noted that the way is now open for every progressive organization in Texas to make the same endorsement. Brother Hobie Hukill will investigate getting a resolution for HR 676 through the Dallas Central Labor Council. He'll also see about getting a table for Health Care at the Labor Day Breakfast, and another table at the Dallas County Democratic Party Labor Day picnic. Howard Haralson will see about the Tarrant County CLC and Tarrant County events. John Glantz will check out the Texas State Fair as a tabling target.

Katie Glantz will work on a video presentation of local people. Bandele Tyehimba will work on tabling at events he knows of. Pan African Connection is holding its anniversary event at 612 E Jefferson Blvd Dallas TX 75203, right down the street from our meeting, on the 18th. Contact [email protected]. Their main topic will be health care.

The Dallas AFL-CIO Labor Day breakfast will be at the Sheraton hotel north of DFW airport at 9 AM on September 3. Tickets are $25. Last year, Jobs with Justice raised money to bring 13 of labor's allies to the event. We decided to order 20 tickets. Seven of the evening's participants signed up to go. Earlier that day, Rev Bazan from Oak Cliff Methodist said he'd go. The next day, Reverend Stovall of Munger Place Methodist agreed to go, so we have 9 currently. Several of our activists will go, but will not need JwJ to get their tickets.

National Jobs with Justice has posted a report on our role in the U.S. Social Forum and other important national and international activities. See

Several of our friends spoke about their concerns for the workers at Great Western Erectors in Arizona and Dallas. They are looking for people to go with them on delegations to companies and political office-holders. Specifically, They want to take a delegation to Austin Commercial, 3535 Travis Sreet, Dallas TX 75204-1448 at 10 AM on 8/13/07. They also want people to write letters on the workers' behalf. Volunteers can sign up by sending their contact information to "Coalition for Justice at Great Western Erectors" 5207 North Black Canyon Freeway#46, Phoenix AZ 85015.


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