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Dallas AFL-CIO Interviews Scholarship Applicants

Everyone is invited to a Health Care Rally at 1:30 PM on Tuesday, April 8, at UAW 276 hall, 2505 W.E. Roberts (formerly Sherman Street) in Grand Prairie. The AFL-CIO wants health care rallies all through April.

Texas AFL-CIO President Becky Moeller, who will be speaking at the health care rally, commented on the National Nurses OrganizingCommittee's big victory in Houston March 28: "We are elated. The decision of Registered Nurses to organize at Cypress Fairbanks Medical Center Hospital sends a message of hope to highly skilled workers across the state who can benefit greatly from the workplace rights only a union can deliver." Jobs with Justice activists take pride in our support of the nurses' organizing drive.


A student/peace group has called for a walkout at UNT in Denton starting at 9 AM on Monday, April 7. They plan at a rally at 1:30. For information: [email protected]

"I'll be There" -- Jobs with Justice motto

Great Western Erectors employees need help. They'll be with us at the JwJ meeting at 7 PM on Wednesday, April 9, at Oak Cliff Methodist Church, 547 E Jefferson. Parking and entrance in the rear. They need help Thursday morning at the emergency entrance to the Methodist Hospital at 3500 Wheatland Road in Dallas. 6:30 to 9:00 AM. For information: [email protected]

Friday, April 4, 7:00 PM: "I've Been to the Mountain Top" Peace Concert gives Tribute to the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. on the 40th anniversary of his assassination. At Munger Place United Methodist Church, 5200 Bryan St, Dallas.

Most, but not all, of our Texas delegation to the National Jobs with Justice conference in Providence Rhode Island has registration, airline, and hotel reservation set. They leave May 1, the international day of celebration for the 8-hour day.

Vote Tuesday in the Runoff

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