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Into the Streets!

"I know IBT is not affiliated, however this is a rally to stop a decert." -Becky Moeller, President, TX AFL-CIO

Allied Waste Teamsters Vote Yes Rally

January 14th 3pm

Corner of Carson and Elliott Reeder Road

Physical street address of Allied Waste is 6100 Elliott Reeder Road, Fort Worth TX 76117.
(121 airport freeway exit Carson)

Congratulations to reporter Gregg Jones for leading the Dallas Morning News investigative series on privatization in Texas. Congratulations to the Texas State Employees Union for fighting privatization all the way. Congratulations to all of us for getting these privatization vampires away from our necks!


Peace Demonstration

This Friday A Day of
Solidarity and Prayers for Palestine
Friday, January 9
Palestinian Humanitarian Crisis

Candlelight Vigil-Friday, January 9
in Grassy Knoll in Elm and Houston St at Dallas Downtown- January 9
5:30 pm - 7 pm
For additional information contact MAS Youth Center of Dallas 972-633-9692 or Email inquiries can be sent to [email protected]



"The fact is that recent economic numbers have been terrifying, not just in the United States but around the world. Manufacturing, in particular, is plunging everywhere. Banks aren't lending; businesses and consumers aren't spending. Let's not mince words: This looks an awful lot like the beginning of a second Great Depression." --Nobel Prize-winning economist and New York Times columnist Paul Krugman

House Speaker Tom Craddick has been overthrown. --Ed Sills, Texas AFL-CIO
The New York Times discussed the need for the Employee Free Choice Act --Ed Sills

President-elect Barack Obama and Democrats in Congress are planning swift action to overturn a Supreme Court decision that made it much harder for people to challenge discrimination in employment, education, housing and other fields. The decision, involving a woman named Lilly M. Ledbetter, who had accused her employer of sex-based pay discrimination, was issued in May 2007. -Ed Sills


Martin Luther King Jr Parade March

Park by 9 AM in Fair Park (South End) Take Shuttle back to City Hall

Join the Jobs with Justice Contingent

10 AM: Begin march back to Fair Park

So far, we have groups from UAW 848, UAW 276, and Teamsters 767 expected. What about you?


Molly Rooke and the Sierra Club are fighting to save our lives: You can tell the NRC and Luminant that you want to see:
a. more energy efficiency and renewable solar, wind and geothermal power used instead of risky and expensive nuclear power.
b. These cleaner energy solutions exist today, and are more affordable. Plus they don't come with the radioactive waste that nuclear power generates, risks of terrorist threat or radioactive contaminantion from leaks or accidents.
Comanche Peak has had plenty of problems with existing reactors and many of the past articles are posted on

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