Pitch In On Our Side!

Workers need your help. These are not random acts of charity, but serious contributions to the central struggle of humankind today. Please do what you can:

Communications Workers needs help with some urban leafletting this Saturday from 11am-1pm. Please let me know if you can participate and where you'll be Saturday so I can provide the closest store to you. I know we will not target any of the stores in malls and I will receive the list in the morning. Contact [email protected]

Ironworkers intend hand billing and banners on Saturday morning at 7:30 A.M. and again at 11:00 A.M. at the Dallas Convention Center located at 620 S. Griffin Street. We will then start again on Monday through Wednesday at 6:30 A.M. For more information: [email protected]

Activists at the highly-successful workers center in Austin are interested in helping get something similar started in the Dallas area. Check them out at http://www.workersdefense.org/. Let me know if you think you’d like to help get it going here.

The Texas AFL-CIO is looking for volunteers. www.texaslabor2010.org. If you are not already a union member, you might want to join Working America, then contact Texas AFL-CIO. Browse to http://www.workingamerica.org and sign up. They may ask you for a donation of $5, but it’s worth it. After joining Working America, write to [email protected] and ask to start getting the best free labor news service anywhere.

The US Social Forum Logistics Committee has organized a room block for JWJ at the GreektownCasino-Hotel. Greektown is located in the heart of Greektown's Historic and Entertainment District.  It’s a Union Hotel and the Rate for a double at this Hotel is $99/day.  To make your reservation please call 1877-424-5554 and make a reservation under the Jobs with Justice/USSF Room Block.  I checked in with the Hotel per a request on our Network Wide Call and they do not have a pool or a Jacuzzi, but we do have a Casino. J  Please be aware that we will only get this rate until May 30th, 2010, after this date the rates WILL INCREASE.

North Texas Jobs with Justice tried to organize a bus, but there was not enough interest. We stand by our offer to help raise funds for anybody who wants to go. Check out your airline and hotel reservations, then contact me with an idea of how much financial help you will need. We'll endeavor to send the most people possible.

Retirees at EBJ's office

The Texas Alliance for Retired Americans, of which I am Secretary, is alarmed because the government has impaneled a new "Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform." It doesn't sound very ominous until you find out that Congressman Jeb Hensarling of East Texas is on it. Hensarling and others on the committee seem determined to cut retiree benefits! A group of retiree leaders went to Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson's office on 5/12/10, then resolved to set up a meeting for any and all retirees in the mid-cities during mid-June. Sound the alarm!



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