Meet the Workers on the Front Lines of Labor's Battle!

They will be at the rally for economic justice!

ARTHUR -- was trying to organize a union to provide dignity for his brothers and sisters in the workplace when he was FIRED on trumped up charges!

JANE -- was in her eighties when her employer defied her union contract and American labor law to CUT OFF all retiree health care!

KATHRYN -- was HARRASSED so completely by Wal-Mart management that she couldn't take it any more, and quit!

MARK -- still STANDING UPfor justice despite pressure from Wal-Mart!

ROSSIA -- was fired after making a public appearance advocating improved HOSPITAL PATIENT CARE!

SHIRLEY -- was fired on trumped-up charges after refusing to WORK CLANDESTINELY on Martin Luther King Day!


Our main speakers will be Texas AFL-CIO President Becky Moeller and respected theologian Rev Dr Joerg Rieger. Please join us.


For more information: [email protected], 214-942-4236

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