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North Texans Are Off to DC!

Jim Goodnow's bus leaves Dallas this afternoon, September 21, and all the leftover money we raised was targeted to that last-ditch transportation effort. The people who have airline tickets take off Thursday and Friday. Some will stay the whole 3 days; some will return Sunday.

The Peace Center has scheduled another planning meeting for Thursday evening, September 22, at 7 PM to plan for the concert to be held at noon Saturday at the Dallas Convention Center. Margarita Alvarez called to tell me that she expects TV cameras to be there Thursday; consequently it might be a good idea for all the travelers to show up, at least for the first part of the meeting. Margarita is doing what we all should do -- trying to break through the media silence about this important weekend in America's history.

I believe that the march planners (www.unitedforpeace.org) have finally designated a rendezvous for Texans: Leslie Kielson <[email protected]> wrote that we should meet at 12th and E, which is one block from the Federal Triangle metro station and only a couple blocks from the step-off point. Getting lost is hard to do if you are thinking: just go to the front of the march and stand still until your friends pass by!

A Map to 12th & E:

Everybody should have a sign with "Texas" on it. Everybody should pass the word to other Texans. Everybody should take notes, pictures, and recordings. Everybody in the march should have the good sense to avoid screwballs and provocateurs who try to divert them into illegal activities. Everybody should let the world know that we're standing up and demanding a re-examination of America's priorities on September 24 in Washington, DC!

Love & solidarity

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