Labor's best allies are found among religious leaders, because all religions include the fundamental goals of fairness and dignity that mean so much to workers. "An injury to one is the concern of all" -- labor's main motto, can also be found in the Torah, the Bible, and the Quran.
A number of religious leaders are active with North Texas Jobs with Justice and/or with our associated group, the Workers Rights Board. A number of them have already signed on to the Employee Free Choice Act. National religious leaders are listed by the Interfaith Committee for Worker Justice (IWJ).
Dr. Ron Wilhelm led the Good Friday March with a wooden cross
Every year, activists march on Good Friday to try to remind people of the real meaning of Jesus Christ's life and sacrifice. They carry biblical quotes, but they also carry posters reflecting the problems of today's world. On April 10, 2009, the group met in Lake View Park in Oak Cliff. We marched across the Jefferson Viaduct to Ferris Plaza, across from the Dallas Morning News and the Reunion train station.
In the tiny park, speakers recalled that Jesus walked throughout his life, and that he never relaxed his opposition to ongoing want and injustice.
Contact Dallas Area Christian Progressive Alliance for more information.