From MLK Forward -- Activists Calendar

The recent Jobs with Justice meeting decided to leaflet the Dallas MLK parade on Saturday the 15th, then join the Ft Worth parade on Monday the 17th. We also have the Teamsters' event. Here are particulars:

Leaflet Saturday

Meet at 11 AM at the Martin Luther King Center, 3800 Martin Luther King Boulevard, to leaflet the big Dallas parade. We can take Hiway 175 past MLK Boulevard, then try to find parking south of the Center. We should have time for sandwiches before we go on further South to the Teamsters 745 hall.

Rally Saturday

The Teamsters' event will include a rally for the Dallas Sanitation Workers, which is very appropriate considering what MLK was doing when he was murdered. It begins at 2 PM at their hall, 1007 Jonelle in Dallas. Jonelle is an overpass of highway 175, but there is no exit there. I always go south on 175 from Dallas to the Lake June West exit, then I stay on the service road until I get to the big union hall.

March Monday

We're going to join Gerardo Contreras and his LCLAA group for the Ft Worth parade on Monday. We gather at his float at 15th & Commerce by 9 AM. The parade actually begins at 10 AM and is over pretty quickly. It moves fast because there are very few marchers and everybody is on vehicles. Usually, we find nifty places to eat lunch downtown.



The Democratic Party has a contingent in the Dallas Saturday parade. Meet them before 9 AM at City Hall, Young & Ervay Streets, and be prepared to walk over 3 miles to Fair Park. Most people park at Fair Park early in the morning and take the shuttle back to City Hall.

The Teachers' union, which we greatly support in their time of need, invites activists to join them in another Dallas parade on Monday. Here are their instructions:

The parade line up will begin at 9AM, at MLK and Lamar. The actual parade will begin at 10:00 and last approximately 2-3 hours. The MLK Parade will end at the Fair Park grounds. According to one of the MLK coordinators, there will be parking available at or near the Tower Bldg., “MLK interest parking”.

Participants are asked to wear red, if you have an Alliance/AFT t-shirt please wear it. More info: 214-942-4663 ext. 122

Nobody can do everything, but maybe each of us can do some of it?

movie poster "Company Men"Jan 21: We expect the movie "Company Men" to open in North Texas. It's about executives who have lost their jobs. Can we figure out a way to take advantage of this opportunity?

Jan 21 & 22: Pan African Connection holds MLK celebrations at 7 PM. 828 4th Av, Dallas 75226 Contact

Jan 25: State of the Union Address will air across the country. President Obama has supported the Alliance for Retired American position on Social Security in the past – no benefit cuts, no raising the retirement age, no cuts in the COLA and no privatization, which only benefits Wall Street. President Obama may address critical retiree issues such as Social Security and Medicare when he delivers his speech. Use the guide here to verify that President Obama keeps his Social Security promises in the State of the Union Address, and keep making sure that your own Member of Congress does, too! Watch parties are being planned. If you are interested in hosting a watch party of your own, please click here and contact [email protected] to let us know.

March 2: 3:30-5:30 PM in Austin. March from Federal Building to State Capitol with Workers Defense Project. This important organization is standing up for job safety, especially among Texas construction workers. Contact Reverend Ed Middleton if you are willing to go.

Stay in touch, there'll be a lot more to do!


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