We Must Respond for WalMart Employees and Others

Teachers need help with outreach

October 4, 6 PM: Alliance/AFT activists and their friends will do a postcard get-out-the-vote campaign at their union hall, corner Bishop & Centre in the Oak Cliff part of Dallas. Zip 75208. Everybody needed

WalMart Strikers Need Backing

We'll be finding out how we can back the WalMart Associates at a meeting Tuesday:

As communities across the country raise their voices in calls for changes at Walmart, workers from nearly a dozen stores in the Los Angeles-area went on strike today [October 4] in the first-ever Walmart Associate walk-out in protest of attempts to silence and retaliate against workers for speaking out for improvements on the job. 

Walmart workers on strikeCommunity leaders and Walmart Associates, who are members of the worker organization OUR Walmart, have been calling on Walmart and Chairman Rob Walton to address take home pay so low that Associates are forced to rely on public programs to support their families and understaffing that is keeping workers from receiving sufficient hours and is also hurting customer service. The company has not only refused to address these concerns that are affecting 1.4 million Associates across the country, it has attempted to silence those who speak out and has retaliated against workers for raising concerns that would to help the company, workers and the community.

As strikes and protests against Walmart expand nationwide, we want to keep our Dallas community informed on events taking place in our neighborhoods. Please plan to come support Walmart Associates next Tuesday, October 9th at 7:45am as we call for an end to Walmart’s attempts to silence and retaliate against workers who speak out.    

http://afl.salsalabs.com/o/4023/c/206/p/dia/action/public/?action_KEY=4893 to send a message of support

For more information, (859) 322-8196 or [email protected]

This from National Jobs with Justice:

WOW. For the first time in the 50 years of the corporation, Walmart associates went on strike at several stores in Pico Rivera, California, to protest the company’s illegal attempts to silence them.

Today’s (October 4) historic strike is the latest in a flood of recent worker-led protests in the Walmart supply chain. From its suppliers to its warehouses to the stores themselves, workers at Walmart are fed up with being silenced:

The momentum is building across the country as workers take a stand against the largest employer in the world whose practices are lowering job standards in industries across the globe. We’re ready to step up our campaign to improve working conditions for Walmart workers across the supply chain – but we can’t do it without you.

Please forward this message to your friends, family, and co-workers and encourage them to join us at this critical moment. 

When workers stand up, we should all stand up. We can’t let Walmart punish workers that bring concerns to management. Forward this message to everyone you know today.

Thanks for your continued support of these courageous workers,

Jobs with Justice

P.S. Check out this great article explaining why today’s strike is so significant.

This from WareHouse Workers for Justice:

Warehouse Workers for Justice

About | Donate | Facebook | Follow @WarehouseWorker

Dear Supporter,
Incredible, Amazing, Powerful! These are the words that rang out as we had a chance to reflect on the hundreds of allies that gathered with us on October 1 to support Walmart contract warehouse workers.  You can read all about it in the Nation, Progress Illinois, and Labor Notes.  You can view a number of other media stories on our website.
"We went on strike just two weeks ago to protest unfair labor practices we faced at work. When we first spoke of the conditions we faced in our workplace there were only a few of us, and when we took to the street in protest we didn’t know what was going to happen to our jobs or our futures," says Mike Compton from the Warehouse Workers Organizing Committee.
Monday proved that we are not alone! With the help of allies from around the country, we not only brought attention to wage theft, unsafe work, and illegal retaliation within the warehouse, but also stopped the flow of goods within it. Seventeen community, labor and faith leaders were arrested for blocking the roadway in an act of solidarity with us. Together we have brought overwhelming attention to the unjust working conditions of our workplace.
This victory has helped to prove our power as workers and send a powerful message to our employers. But our fight is not over! We will continue to strike until Walmart, Roadlink and others stop retaliating against us for speaking out. We believe now more than ever that nothing is going to get better unless we stand together. We thank you for standing with us and know we have supporters we can count on as we continue our struggle. 
Please continue to follow us on Facebook and Twitter as we'll continue to announce additional actions as we move forward with our campaign.
In struggle,
Warehouse Workers for Justice
P.S. We can't continue our fight without your support.  Please DONATE and TAKE ACTION today.

warehouse workers

Thank you for supporting
Walmart warehouse workers!

Seniors to Rally on Wednesday, Oct 10


Judy Bryant invited you to Texas Alliance for Retired Americans's event:

Crumbs For Senior Rally outside Cong. Jeb Hensarling's Office

Wednesday, October 10, 2012, 10:00am - 11:00am at 6510 Abrams Rd. Dallas 75231 outside Comerica Bank Building





This message was sent to [email protected].



Oct 10: 7 PM: (2nd Wednesday) CANCEL the monthly Jobs with Justice meeting, 2218 E Main in Grand Prairie. With this critical election and everything else that's happening, we can't take time to talk!

join and/or donate to North Texas Jobs with Justice