Jobs with Justice Commits to Helping Verizon Strikers

National Jobs with Justice has told our North Texas group the decisions made on an August 11 conference call. I have asked our steering committee, Communications Workers of America local 6171, and other labor leaders for input.

Our contact at CWA 6171 writes, "We will be picketing and hand billing to support our brothers and sisters on strike at Verizon tomorrow, August 13 from 11am-12pm at Verizon wireless in Irving. The store is located at 2420 N. Belt Line Rd. Any help would be greatly appreciated!" Contact them directly for more info.

National JwJ sent us a flyer for customers and passers-by while picketing and picketing instructions for everyone setting these up. Two helpful videos about this struggle:

The priorities of all coalitions throughout the JwJ Network in supporting this strike are:

  1. Identify a Verizon Wireless (VZW) store to adopt for official picketing. See the attached documents for instructions & flyers. We will communicate directly with CWA about which stores JwJ coalitions are adopting. Please send an email to [email protected] with:


If you have a website or facebook page where picket dates & times will be posted, please provide a link. 

You can find a store here or here  Please make sure to choose a Verizon Wireless store, not a reseller, and please let [email protected] know which stores you are adopting rather than using the online form on the CWA website.

  1. On Wednesdays, we will have "Wireless Wednesdays" which will serve as a day when we will organize expanded picketing and other tactics at VZW stores - e.g. flash mobs, guerilla theatre, rallies, etc. (expanded tactics should NOT happen in the presence of any official picket as we discussed). This can happen at anytime on Wednesday that makes sense for you. Be sure to capture pictures, video, etc. and share them with Allison and Russ at: [email protected] and [email protected]


  1. We will hold weekly strike check-in call with all coalitions in the JwJ Network on Thursdays at 4pm Eastern/1pm Pacific. This will be the day after the Wireless Wednesdays where we can receive and share updates on the strike, negotiations, local and national activity.  

The priority for top and middle tier coalitions who have prioritized this struggle, we affirmed that the priority is:

1)       Prioritize and develop schedule for picketing at Verizon Wireless (VZW) stores and communicating those to us.
2)       Develop a short plan (can be simpler than Boston’s plan, attached).
3)       Every Friday send a brief progress report so we can keep CWA up to speed on our work. Please email to Russ ([email protected]), and cc Treston ([email protected]).
4)       Any other actions, ideas initiatives are great but stores are priority. This is primary picketing, not leafleting although that is part of it.

Online resources:


Treston Davis-Faulkner
Field Director
Jobs with Justice
202-316-0239 ph
404-799-3204 fax

Check out our blog at | twitter | facebook | myspace



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