Busy? Here's More Critical Work!

Rally for Immigration Reform

Immigration reform marchers 10/5/13Sat Oct 19 1 PM: Dallas Immigration Reform Rally sponsored by Organizing for America.

Belo Garden Park

1014 Main Street 75201

Park is located on the east side of Griffin Street between Main Street and Commerce Street.


Kristi LaraLabor Seeks Help with Campaign

The Dallas AFL-CIO endorsed Kristi Lara for School Board. They want volunteers to help them campaign. Weekdays 4-7 PM and Saturdays at 10 AM. Teacher's union hall, 334 Centre St. Dallas, Tx 75208. Phone (214) 942-4663. In the photo, Big Ray Edmondson of UAW 119 is backing Kristi Lara

Invitation to North Texas Jobs with Justice October Meeting

October 23, 2013 7PM 1408 N Washington Ave, Dallas (East Dallas)
You are invited to the monthly meeting of Jobs with Justice on  October 23. We will be meeting at 1408 N. Washington Ave, Dallas (the home of the Dallas AFL-CIO, CWA Local 6215, and others) at7PM

If you haven’t had a chance to meet Mark York, the new principal officer of the Dallas AFL-CIO Central Labor Council, this is your chance! Mark will give us an update on all the new developments at the AFL-CIO since the convention in August.

Since August Mark has been front and center for his brothers and sisters in the movement. He has been a part of many rallies held the past months and he has even gone so far as to be arrested for civil disobedience with Walmart workers and organizers! He is a true champion of justice for workers. So come and meet Mark and discuss upcoming action opportunities and ideas.

Jobs with Justice is hosting an Introduction to Community Organizing (within a faith-based context)

October 31, 4-8PM
Perkins School of Theology, Southern Methodist University, Dallas

The event is sponsored by Interfaith Worker Justice based in Chicago, IL and with North Texas Jobs with Justice. There is a limit of 20 participants. Members of NorthTexas Jobs with Justice are free. The training will cover basic concepts, values and skills of organizing within a faith-based context.
For more information about these events e-mail Rosemarie Rieger at   [email protected]  or contact us through Facebook by becoming our friend: Jobs-with Justice-Texas.


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