Tell Congress: Sign Pledge to Protect Social Security

Take action—urge your members of Congress to sign the Pledge to Strengthen Social Security.

If enough members of Congress pledge now to oppose Social Security privatization, President Bush’s proposal will be dead on arrival when it gets to Capitol Hill. Please take one minute now to urge your members of Congress to sign the Pledge to Strengthen Social Security and to oppose privatization proposals that would:

  • Cut guaranteed benefits. 
  • Weaken Social Security by diverting money from the Trust Fund to pay for private accounts. 
  • Explode the federal deficit. 
  • Possibly increase the retirement age.

Every one of us must act to stop privatization and strengthen Social Security.  Urge your members of Congress to sign the pledge today.

Tell me more

Sign Pledge to Protect Social Security

Dear [ Decision Maker ],

Pledge to Strengthen Social Security:

I pledge to the people of my district and to the American people that I will work to strengthen retirement security, including Social Security.

I will oppose Social Security privatization proposals that would:

1. Require cuts in guaranteed benefits to pay for private accounts.

2. Weaken the system by diverting money from the Social Security Trust Fund to pay for private accounts.

3. Increase the federal deficit to pay for private accounts.

4. Increase the retirement age.



**Forward signed pledges back to the AFL-CIO by fax at 202-508-6908.

[Your name]
[Your address]


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