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The big date coming up will be December 10, when Jobs with Justice will join the coalition to help put on a big public event in defense of America's right to organize. Local times and sites are being investigated, but it will be big all over the world. December 10 is International Human Rights Day.

November 13 will be a big picnic from 3-6 PM at Lee Park, 3333 Turtle Creek Blvd in Dallas. Senators Harry Reid, Joseph Biden, and Barack Obama are expected to speak. Jennifer Kinder of the Dallas law firm Baron and Budd is inviting all union people and asking us to wear our union colors. For more information, call her at 214-523-6649, e-mail [email protected], or check the web page:


Jennifer Kinder invites union people to a picnic





Speaking of web sites, I put up a new one to help provide information to retirees during these terrible times. It's at More information is needed for union retiree groups.

On October 29, the AFL-CIO joins with ACORN, NAACP, and SEIU to put on a big rally on the capitol steps in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. They are urging Texans to attend and help them protest the presidential executive order suspending Davis-Bacon prevailing wage laws. Rally is 10:30 AM to 1 PM at State Capitol Drive and N. 3rd Street.

Scheduled speakers include Governor Kathleen Blanco, AFL-CIO President, John Sweeny, and the Reverend Jesse Jackson. Message: "America Needs a New Direction: Good Jobs, Stronger Communities and a Just Economy." For more information: Julie Cherry (AFL-CIO) 225-383-5741. Apparently, the coalition has no web site yet. As things develop, I'll unofficially post to

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