Please Join In On Labor Day Actions!

A great deal of contact work and leafleting has already been done by OUR Walmart organizers. We're working on getting as many organizations and individuals as possible for the August 31 events. Meet us at the McDonald's in the 700 block of West Jefferson at 10 AM on Saturday, August 24, for leafleting action. We're going to leaflet pedestrians and merchants around the Texas Theater that day. There's another good opportunity in Grand Prairie that same Saturday. The next day will be churches in the area. Monday is the big women's event. Wednesday is celebrations of the "I Have A Dream" anniversary. There are leafleting opportunities all week!

marchersHere's the plan for the march starting at noon August 31: each organization will be encouraged to march behind their own banner. Unaffiliated participants may choose their contingents, but will be asked to stay with one rather than becoming a part of a mob. This will be different for North Texas marches, which are usually just big gangs of people with no clear message. The advantage is that each contingent is clear on its message and does not have to support or be part of the other contingents. It should result in more participation and better communication.

There will be three broad categories of contingents expressed as 3 demands:

At noon on August 31, We will ask them to line up as follows (1) 100 block of W Jefferson (2) Northeast Corner of Zang & Jefferson (3) Northeast corner of Madison & Jefferson. We'll try to get everyone to stay in their contingents throughout the 8-block march.

The speakers at the Workers Rights Board at 10 AM at the Texas Theater, 231 W Jefferson, are confirmed: Congressman Marc Veasey, Representative Roberto Alonzo, OUR Walmart Representative, and Texas AFL-CIO attorney Rick Levy. Dr. Joerg Rieger will host. I'll host the program at the picnic and have already received confirmation from Mark York, the new principal officer of the Dallas AFL-CIO. We will also have Spanish-speakers because this is every workers' march.

Can you get your organization to form a contingent? Will you help us with outreach during the last week before August 31? Contact [email protected] or 214-632-5695.

--Gene Lantz