Don't Let Threats or Evictions Slow You Down!

The City of Dallas threatens to evict the tent colony behind city hall this evening, November 15. Supporters may be asked to go down to the back of City Hall, Ervay & Canton.

Police moved against the New York colony last night.

Whatever happens, the chemistry that created the Occupy movement has not changed. Injustice and economic hardship are actually worsening. Undoubtedly, the Occupy Movement will be issuing calls for help and support, even if they are evicted. Stand by for that.

Attend the events you can!

Whatever else happens, the mobilizations that were already planned should get massive responses from the people. Jobs with Justice "Caring Across Generations" is especially interested in the rally at Doctor's Hospital, Buckner & Garland Rd, 4-6 PM on Thursday, Nov 19. The purpose is to get people in Representative Jeb Hensarling's Congressional District to push for fairness from the "Super Congress" he co-chairs. That same day, two other events will take place:

Rally on the Houston Viaduct (bridge, just south of Reunion Tower) at 11:30 AM. The AFL-CIO is promoting November 17 actions to rebuild our infrastructure.

The Teachers union, Alliance/AFT Local 2260 asks people to join their demonstratin at the DISD Administration Building at 3700 Ross Street at 5 PM Thursday, November 17.

Everybody out on Saturday!

Obviously, people won't be able to attend all three November 17 events, but there is, so far, only one big call for Saturday, November 19. The leaflet reads: March Against Cuts to Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security! Saturday, November 19 1:00pm - 4:00pm. Pioneer Park. 1428 Young St. Dallas, TX. OccupyDallas, the United Steelworkers Local 9479, North Texas Jobs With Justice, Texas Alliance of Retired Americans, and all like minded labor unions and progressive organizations call for a MASS MARCH and DEMONSTRATION. Email [email protected] for more information.