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"RAISING MONEY' QUESTION 1 ANSWER A: Almost everybody in our movement is a volunteer, and even the ones who get paid don't get much. If they need to know something about finances, it's important that they find out. Being open about finances is the best protection for your own reputation, too. Please review the written lesson, or at least return to the question and pick another answer.
















"RAISING MONEY" QUESTION 1 ANSWER C: Finances are absolutely critical to any organization. You need to know that, and you need to work on convincing everybody else. Please review the written lesson, or at least return to the question and pick another answer.

















"RAISING MONEY" QUESTION 1 ANSWER D: It's important to be able to find things, and the best way to do that is to "make tracks" on documents that tell where the related documents are. Don't try to be cryptic or individualistic, just do what makes sense. And it makes sense to be able to find things when you need them! Please review the written lesson, or at least return to the question and pick another answer.


















"RAISING MONEY" QUESTION 2 ANSWER B: How do you know how much money the movement needs? Setting the goals for a democratic organization is everybody's job. The role of the financial manager is to provide as much resources as possible. Please review the written lesson, or at least return to the question and pick another answer..

















"RAISING MONEY" QUESTION 2 ANSWER C: This may be hard to understand, but it is worth repeating: There is NOTHING that deserves money more than our movement! Please review the written lesson, or at least return to the question and pick another answer.
















"RAISING MONEY" QUESTION 2 ANSWER D: In a democratic organization, everybody has to take responsibility. Raising the financial consciousness of other members is probably the most important thing that a financial person could do. Please review the written lesson, or at least return to the question and pick another answer.






















"RAISING MONEY" QUESTION 3 ANSWER A: You can drive yourself nuts trying to balance everything to the penny, but ask yourself, "Do the other members care?" If you're doing what's reasonable, you won't get far off in your bookkeeping, so don't worry about it. Please review the written lesson, or at least return to the question and pick another answer





















"RAISING MONEY" QUESTION 3 ANSWER B: Getting more people involved in finances is the biggest challenge. The more involved they are, the more money they will raise and the easier your job will be. Please review the written lesson, or at least return to the question and pick another answer.




















QUESTION 3, ANSWER D: Being financial officer in the movement doesn't mean the same thing it would mean in a big corporation, where they pretend to use standard accounting practices. Their actual goal of disguising their true activities is exactly the opposite of what we need in the movement. Don't worry about accounting practices, just do what seems right. Please review the written lesson, or at least return to the question and pick another answer.
















q1: RIGHT! Please skip to the next question



















q2: RIGHT: Please skip to the next question





















q3: Right! Thanks for doing this. Please send some feedback.